Marine anti-roll device
A. Working principle
1. Gyro effect
Gyroscope has fixed axis and precession. When the gyroscope rotates at high speed, the direction of its rotation axis in the inertial space remains unchanged (fixed axis). When an external torque acts on the gyroscope, the rotation axis of the gyroscope will precess in a direction perpendicular to the external torque vector and the gyroscope's rotation axis (precession).
In the gyro anti-roll device, the precession characteristics of the gyroscope are used to generate a torque opposite to the direction of the ship's sway, thereby achieving the purpose of anti-roll. For example, when the ship sways to the port side, through the precession of the gyroscope, the device will generate a torque to the starboard side to resist the sway of the ship.
2. Energy conversion
The gyro anti-roll device converts the sway energy of the ship into the precession energy of the gyroscope. The sway of the ship will apply an external torque to the gyroscope, and this external torque causes the gyroscope to precess, and in this process, the energy of the ship's sway is consumed, thereby reducing the amplitude of the ship's sway.
B. Advantages
1. Full-speed roll reduction: The device can work at any speed of the ship, including zero speed, to provide a stable roll reduction effect for the ship. Its design enables the device to effectively reduce roll at any speed, and ideally the roll reduction effect can reach 95%.
2. Low energy consumption: Since the rotor operates in a vacuum environment, the energy consumption is relatively low.
3. No accessory resistance: The device works completely inside the hull and does not increase water resistance like the roll stabilization fins.
4. Easy installation and maintenance: The installation and maintenance of the device are relatively simple, and the key components are enclosed in the vacuum chamber, requiring less maintenance.
C. Disadvantages
1. High cost
The manufacturing and installation costs of the gyro roll reduction device are relatively high. The high-speed rotating gyro rotor, the complex frame system and the precise control system all require a high level of technology and expensive materials, which makes the cost of the entire device high.
2. Complex maintenance
The gyro rotor's speed, bearings and other key components need to be inspected and maintained regularly. Due to the high-speed rotation of the gyro rotor, the wear on the bearings and other components is large, and once these components fail, the maintenance is also difficult.
3. Difficult to scale up
Usually suitable for boats with a displacement of less than 3,000 tons.
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