The waterproofing of the ship propeller is mainly through a main component, which is the bearing connected to the propeller called the tail shaft.
The tail shaft is installed on two bearings, one is called the tail bearing, which is the part of the hull in contact with the water; the other is called the front bearing, which is connected to the engine room, and the sealing of the tail shaft is achieved by the sealing rings installed next to the front and rear bearings.
The amount of oil filled in the drive shaft is automatically matched according to the external water pressure, and finally reaches a balance to prevent water seepage. There is also water that will seep into the drive shaft and mix with the oil. The oil will separate the mixed water and oil during the circulation process.
Simply put, fill the oil between the drive shaft and the ship, or create air pressure to prevent water from seeping in, so as to achieve the waterproof effect.
If the stern shaft leaks in the sea, it can be replaced directly in the sea.
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